EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles: all you need to know

The European Union has launched the Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles to tackle the environmental effects of the textile industry, emphasizing sustainable practices, circular economy principles, and innovation.

In June 2023, the European Parliament overwhelmingly supported the EU's plan for sustainable and circular textiles. The vote had 600 in favour and only 17 against! This is exciting news!

So let's find out what it means.

Why do we need to change the current, mainstream textile production?

Textiles play a vital role in our daily lives, from clothing and furniture to medical and protective equipment, buildings, and vehicles. However, the textile industry's environmental impact

Published: 28/11/2023


BIO: DAMō is an online workspace for international designers and fashion brands that want to create sustainable fashion. DAMō was born from the union of the experiences of its founders, professionals in the fashion sector for over 10 years. Selene and Lorenzo embody the crucial connection between the worlds of design and production, embracing the philosophy of sharing knowledge and needs between these two universes to renew the fashion landscape.
"Knowing more about materials, regulations, and manufacturing processes is key to expanding our creativity and creating fashion responsibly."